YYYYMMDD UT --RA-- / --TO-- overlap: -- Priority: sci + eng Weather: -- Summary: -- * HPF morning cals started at --11:18 UT (--6:18am CDT) HPF requires dark dome until --12:08 UT (--7:08am CDT) PFIP shutter closed until --13:18 UT (--8:18am CDT) VHC -- ENG tests still needed: -high-speed CWFS imaging (once per night, P2) -NO CCAS/CWFS tests (in bright time, P2) -Cd-A+Hg lamps on VIRUS for Gary (if re-stacking/closed) "gcals" and "gcals -delay_cals" to warmup and wait ============================================================================ Twilight evening: -- --02:06 (2m after sunset) HPF twi: "htwi w" (looks: --) --02:14 @33k (GC2:B,0.1s) for 6@ lsky.sh (looks: --) --02:23 @6.6k (GC2:B,0.1s) for 6@ vsky.sh (looks: --) ============================================================================ DIMM (+DIMM2) --01:30 set up on Arcturus, 1.1" --03:40 move to Vega --2nd DIMM is also running ("dimm3") on Vega at this time Note: aim for 37-40ish separation for spots. focus- gets closer together by ~1 pixel focus+ gets further apart by ~1 pixel ============================================================================ Standards and Cals -- ran LRS2 lamp cals (, 28min) cal lrs2 -l qth ldls_long cd-a fear hg -B -- ran VIRUS lamp cals (, 18min) cal virus -l ldls_long cd-a hg -B -- ran LRS2/VIRUS parallel biases (, 11m) cal virus -pb -b 11 -B -- ran LRS2/VIRUS parallel darks (, 22m) cal lrs2 -pd -de 360 -d 3 -B -- ran HPF partA cals (, 44m) ./hpf_evening_cals_PartA.sh [in scripts folder] -- ran HPF partC cals (, 43m, took 50m once!) ./hpf_evening_cals_PartC.sh [in scripts folder] --11:18 HPF morning cals, 50m dark dome, 1h10m PFIP shutter closed dark dome until --12:08, PFIP shutter closed until --13:18 ./hpf_morning_cals.sh (NO leave_signs_on needed tonight) --(verified that they have started, and fiber scrambler is making sounds) SPC: -- VIRUS spc: (60s for 15th, longer fainter) -- LRS2-B/R spc: (9mag=15s,15mag=360s) -- LRS2-B/R telluric: (15s, defocused to avoid saturation) -- HPF telluric: (105s(4.55.8)) ============================================================================ Notes turn on countdown clock on message board: --mboard.sh on (may need to do this again after HPF cals finish?) priscript.sh output: -- --02:01 opening --~02:04 fully open --02:04 sunset --HPF twilight - clear sky --02:02 running HPF twilight with (htwi w), and it waits appropriately --02:06 "htwi w" (starts 2min after sunset), looks: -- --clear at sunset --GC1 in r, GC2 in B. saving images (probes at home5) (0.01 and 0.01s at first, then 0.1s & 0.1s) --evening twilights: clear --02:14 GC2(B,0.1s) 6@36k, lsky.sh (looks --) --02:23 GC2(B,0.1s) 6@6.6k vsky.sh (looks --) [8-9min] --02:32 stack starting --03:02 12deg --03:38 18deg -- 08:24 moonrise --10:15 18deg --10:51 12deg --11:49 sunrise --11:18 HPF morning cals, 50m dark dome, 1h10m PFIP shutter closed dark dome until --12:08, PFIP shutter closed until --13:18 ./hpf_morning_cals.sh (NO leave_signs_on needed tonight) --11:02 eon_tasks Not reporting or adjusting VIRUS temperatures (morning adjustments are not recommended) --11:17 V309 IP turned on VHC. -- LRS2 temperatures/pressures --VG/IP turned on at 11:02