This page is currently under construction. This will eventually be procedures related to the future Celestron DIMM. == Timeline of Celestron DIMM progress and milestones == #NewDimm_timeline == Celestron DIMM instructions for testing while set up on dome floor == #NewDimm_domefloor === Setup Procedure: 1. Enter dome and find the Celestron DIMM set up in the dome opposite the entry door. It is next to the scissor lift close to the wall. 2. Turn the power on using the rocker switch on the base of the telescope. 3. Once back in the control room, connect to the dome computer that is attached to the telescope using {{{xfreerdp -u guider -p password}}}. Similar to what we did for the Upper Hex DIMM. 4. Start updated CPWI software. It looks slightly different, but the menu and options are the same. 5. Connect to the telescope using the hand paddle option as done with old CPWI software. 6. After connected choose Un-Park selection in pop up window. 7. Select and Go To an available star such as Capella or Dubhe. Since we are not actually looking through the telescope no fine adjustment is necessary. 8. Let it run in this mode periodically checking to see that it is still connected thru the night. If inclined periodically slew the telescope a little to shake things up. === Shutdown Procedure: 1. In the Alignment menu choose "Save Alignment and Park Mount." When the box pops up asking where you would like to park it choose "Previous." 2. Once prompted, click "Disconnect" to disconnect from the telescope. 3. Close the CPWI software and turn off the power to the telescope in the dome using the rocker switch on the base. === Summary of nights tested: (all UT dates) * 20220322: connection loss * 20220410: pointed at Dubhe, 01:55 - 11:10 UT, no problems * 20220411: pointed at Dubhe, 02:00 - 11:45 UT, no problems * 20220414: pointed at Dubhe, 02:43 - 12:00 UT, no problems * 20220415: pointed at Dubhe, 02:50 - 11:45 UT, no problems * 20220416: pointed at Dubhe, 02:50 - 11:50 UT, no problems * 20220417: pointed at Dubhe, 02:02 - 11:46 UT, no problems * 20220429: pointed at Dubhe, 00:15 - 10:55 UT, 10:55 UT got message The Mount stopped responding * 20220430: pointed at Dubhe, 02:08 - 11:08 UT, got connection drop out error message again * 20220501: power-cycled hand paddle, then pointed at Dubhe, 01:54 - 10:42 UT, no problems * 20220502: pointed at Dubhe, 01:56 - 11:24 UT, no problems * 20220506: pointed at Dubhe, 02:12 - 11:12 UT, no problems * 20220510: pointed at Dubhe, 03:37 - 11:18 UT, no problems * 20220511: pointed at Dubhe, 04:05 - 11:00 UT, no problems * 20220512: pointed at Dubhe, 02:40 - 11:24 UT, no problems * 20220513: pointed at Dubhe, 03:40 - 10:53 UT, no problems * 20220515: pointed at Dubhe at 5:36 UT, Alkaid at 8:24 UT, parked at 11:05, no problems * 20220516: pointed at Capella at 3:35 UT, Dubhe at 4:37 UT, Alkaid at 9:34 UT, parked at 10:40 UT, no problems * 20220517: pointed at Capella at 2:33 UT, Dubhe at 4:04 UT, parked at 10:50 UT, no problems * 20220518: pointed at Dubhe at 3:36 UT, Alkaid at 7:11 UT, parked at 11:13 UT, no problems * 20220519: pointed at Dubhe at 02:45 UT, Deneb at 08:15 UT, parked at 11:00 UT, no problems * 20220520: pointed at Deneb at 06:28 UT, parked at 10:55 UT, no pr * 20220521: pointed at Deneb at 06:15 UT, parked at 10:53 UT, no problems * 20220522: pointed at Dubhe at 03:30 UT, parked at 10:51 UT, no problems * 20220530: pointed at Dubhe at 04:07 UT, parked at 10:02 UT, no problems * 20220601: pointed at Dubhe, 05:18 - 10:45 UT, no problems * 20220601: pointed at Deneb, 04:07 - 10:40 UT, no problems * 20220604: pointed at Deneb, 04:57 - 10:55 UT, no problems * 20220605: pointed at Dubhe, 03:07 - 06:29 UT, no problems * 20220605: pointed at Deneb, 06:29 - 10:40 UT, no problems * 20220606: pointed at Deneb, 04:34 - UT, no problems