== Focal Plane Assembly Hardware Tests == These tests are to be run on the ground following an FPA take down to verify that the hardware is fully operational prior to lifting the assembly back on the telescope. Further testing of the alignment for the FPA which is performed on sky is described on the Night Staff's [wiki:NightOperations/Commissioning/pFPA post-FPA take down science procedures] page Note that some of the hardware test can only be run on the telescope and these must be run once the FPA is back on the PFIP in order to fully characterize the hardware. === From George Damm's test notes === There are actually 2 different test scenarios for checking things during a FPA takedown, 1) FPA on ground and 2) FPA on telescope. The differences are due to missing pieces of equipment. When the FPA is on the ground, both the BIB and the HPF ACQ cameras are not present, they are mounted on the assembly with the IHMP. The collision avoidance hall-effect sensors in the carriages of the Guider1 and 2 and WFS1 and 2 cannot be tested in an automated fashion since collision avoidance routines will keep them from getting close enough to each other. The carriages must be moved by hand while watching for the pertinent bits to be triggered. I will list what I have for a test procedure in a slightly different format, keeping like functionality together. 1) FPA on Telescope Taking images on all cameras will verify the functionality of the single board computers (if they are used) 1. Verify functioning images on Guider1, Guider2, WFS1, WFS2,ACQ Cam, PV Camera, CWFS Camera, BIB Camera, HPF ACQ camera 2. Verify functioning probes by moving them to Beginning of Range then to End of Range and then back again. Record carriage and probe arm motor current for post processing on Guider1, Guider2, WFS1, WFS2 3. Verify PFIP Shutter motion 4. Move to all filter positions for Guider1, Guider2, ACQ Cam 5. Verify function of ACQ Cam focus 6. Move the three pneumatic actuators to both positions and verify, ACQ Cam fold mirror, PV/CWFS fold mirror, PV/CWFS selector 7. Check dither mechanism 2) FPA on ground Same as above, remove test of BIB and HPF ACQ Cameras === From Jim Fowler's notes === Requirements for testing PFIP hardware in the FPA. 10 Jun 2019 This is a hardware test only. Alignment tests will be done by the night staff Need to define the mechanism tested, commands sent, monitor point, success criteria, restrictions - prior tests, other mechanisms in particular locations/starting criteria ground/air test only? Tests verify communications with SBC systems move ACQ camera in/out expose ACQ cam operate filters for Guider1, Guider2, WFS1, WFS2 operate camera verify image operate filters verify sensors operate probes full range test limits measure currents check PV camera check CFWS camera move in/out check indicators take image check BIB camera take image operate shutter, visual check on the ground Should we test for interactions between devices? === Test Requirements === Below is a preliminary list of tests to verify the FPA hardware. The test should be run in the order presented here. [[br]] [[br]] [[br]] '''Name''':: Test 1, Basic Ground Communications Test '''Description''':: Test basic communications with the Ethernet devices that can be connected on the ground. '''Telescope Only''':: No '''Preconditions''':: Ethernet and power to the FPA on the ground must be available. The devices need to be powered on through the pfip-apc and pfip-epics. '''Monitor Points''':: None '''Commands''':: ex. {{{ping -c 5 sbc1.as.utexas.edu}}} also test sbc2, sbc3, sbc4, sbc5, pfip-plc, pfip-env, pfip-apc '''Success Criteria''':: Do you get a valid response from a ping command. If looking in an automated script, search for the packet loss information. If 100%, all is good; if 0% or less than 100% there is a problem. Should see the following response if successful. {{{ PING sbc1.as.utexas.edu ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from sbc1.as.utexas.edu ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.89 ms 64 bytes from sbc1.as.utexas.edu ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.149 ms 64 bytes from sbc1.as.utexas.edu ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.161 ms 64 bytes from sbc1.as.utexas.edu ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.156 ms 64 bytes from sbc1.as.utexas.edu ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.151 ms [[br]] --- sbc1.as.utexas.edu ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4000ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.149/1.101/4.891/1.895 ms }}} '''Are there any other things that we should ping to test communications??''' ping pv cwfs pfip-apc sbc5 pfip-sw1-3 pfip-con pfip-plc [[br]] [[br]] '''Name''':: Test 2T, Basic Telescope Communications Test '''Description''':: Test basic communications with Ethernet devices on the telescope '''Telescope Only''':: Yes '''Preconditions''':: Ethernet and power connection to the FPA needs to be available. '''Monitor Points''':: None '''Commands''':: ex. {{{ping -c 5 bib.as.utexas.edu}}} also test hpf-acq?, pfip-epics? '''Success Criteria''':: Do you get a valid response from a ping command. If looking in an automated script, search for the packet loss information. If 100%, all is good; if 0% or less than 100% there is a problem. Should see the following response if successful. {{{ PING bib.as.utexas.edu ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from bib.as.utexas.edu ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.89 ms 64 bytes from bib.as.utexas.edu ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.149 ms 64 bytes from bib.as.utexas.edu ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.161 ms 64 bytes from bib.as.utexas.edu ( icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.156 ms 64 bytes from bib.as.utexas.edu ( icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=0.151 ms [[br]] --- bib.as.utexas.edu ping statistics --- 5 packets transmitted, 5 received, 0% packet loss, time 4000ms rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.149/1.101/4.891/1.895 ms }}} [[br]] [[br]] [[br]] [[br]] [[br]] A template for the test description is given below. '''Name''': '''Description''': '''Telescope Only''': '''Preconditions''': '''Monitor Points''': '''Commands''': '''Success Criteria''':