'''Power Outage Procedures''' last updated 01 Feb 2019 For a planned power outage of more than ~20 minutes duration with expected generator operation, or an unplanned outage where the generator operates correctly. * open UER and LER doors to allow air circulation, * in LER, shutdown dSpace, servo cabinets, and the two computers (these are not on generator power), * save locations of Mars stage controllers (they are not on generator power), * if the outage will affect the DIMM Telescope, shutdown the DIMM computer and electronics, * ... something else I forgot. To restart things after the outage. * in LER, power on servo cabinets, dSpace, trkengtwo and trkdisplay computer, * restart control desk, * close doors to LER and UER, * restart Mars equipment, * you will have to home the Mars stage motors and return them to their original position, * restart the DIMM computer and electronics, * Virus spectrographs may be warm as the enclosure cooling in not on generator power, * connect to Hetsky as CTI to restart the cloud sensor, * ...more stuff I forgot.