There is collection of shuffle data handling tips. Shuffle runs twice a day to generate setup data for all queue targets. Everything is functioning automatically. Manual interaction is required in a few cases. === Deleting and re-calculating shuffle data === #deleting_data If you want to update the shuffle data for a target, first use {{{shdata_clean}}} and then {{{target_setup}}} It's recommended to use shdata_clean in situations when you need to re-run shuffle for any reasons. This will clean logs which allow easier understanding of possible problems {{{shdata_clean}}} [=#shdata_clean] Usage: {{{ > shdata_clean -h usage: shdata_clean [-h] [-idx IDX] [-prg PRG] [-cat CAT] [-active] [-setup SETUP] [-queue QUEUE] Remove shuffle data optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -idx IDX remove data for specific idx -prg PRG remove data for specific program -cat CAT remove data for object from catalog or entire catalog data. With only this argument data for whole catalog will be deleted. Choices are: bsc, bvri, f10, f11, f12, f13, f14, f15, f16, f17, f18, f8, f9, glob, gp, open, rv, s14, s15, s16, s17, s18, s19, s20, spc, tell, ugriz, vrs -active remove data for all active targets -setup SETUP remove data for specific intrument configuration -queue QUEUE set queue to 'cur' or 'new'. default 'cur' }}} Here are a few examples of shdata_clean use {{{ shdata_clean -idx 25 -cat spc # deletes shuffle data for SPC catalog entry shdata_clean -idx 2547 # deletes shuffle data queue object #2547 }}} If you have run this clean up procedure, it is presumably because you wish to re-run shuffle. We sometimes do this to get fainter stars labeled in the ACQ camera finder chart. Here are some examples: {{{ target_setup 2547 E -shargs "--catalog GAIA" target_setup 2547 E -shargs "--allcams_magadd 3" }}} The argument passed to "-shargs" will be sent as an argument to the {{{do_shuffle}}} command run by {{{target_setup}}}. The above examples specify to use the GAIA catalog and to find fainter stars by 3 magnitudes, respectively. === shuffle arguments === Here is the list of possible shuffle arguments which can be used in {{{target_setup}}} command {{{ usage: do_shuffle [-h] [--verbose] [--version] [--epoch EPOCH] [--pmRA PMRA] [--pmDEC PMDEC] [--gaia2radius GAIA2RADIUS] [-c CONFIG] [--limited_probe_annulus] [--force-gp1 id1] [--force-gp2 id2] [--force-wfs1 id1] [--force-wfs2 id2] [--localcat LOCALCAT] [--interactive INTERACTIVE] [--hpf HPF] [--use_brightness USE_BRIGHTNESS] [--fplane_file FPLANE_FILE] [--az [AZ]] [--dpatrol_g1min DPATROL_G1MIN] [--dpatrol_g1max DPATROL_G1MAX] [--dpatrol_g1targ DPATROL_G1TARG] [--dpatrol_g2min DPATROL_G2MIN] [--dpatrol_g2max DPATROL_G2MAX] [--dpatrol_g2targ DPATROL_G2TARG] [--dpatrol_w1min DPATROL_W1MIN] [--dpatrol_w1max DPATROL_W1MAX] [--dpatrol_w1targ DPATROL_W1TARG] [--dpatrol_w2min DPATROL_W2MIN] [--dpatrol_w2max DPATROL_W2MAX] [--dpatrol_w2targ DPATROL_W2TARG] [--catalog CATALOG] [--gppickcol GPPICKCOL] [--wfspickcol WFSPICKCOL] [--visualize VISUALIZE] [--visualize_ACAM VISUALIZE_ACAM] [--visualize_probestars VISUALIZE_PROBESTARS] [--acam ACAM] [--fplane FPLANE] [--probes PROBES] [--guide1_magadd GUIDE1_MAGADD] [--guide1_nstars GUIDE1_NSTARS] [--guide1_minsep GUIDE1_MINSEP] [--guide1_magmin GUIDE1_MAGMIN] [--guide1_magmax GUIDE1_MAGMAX] [--guide2_magadd GUIDE2_MAGADD] [--guide2_nstars GUIDE2_NSTARS] [--guide2_minsep GUIDE2_MINSEP] [--guide2_magmin GUIDE2_MAGMIN] [--guide2_magmax GUIDE2_MAGMAX] [--wfs1_magadd WFS1_MAGADD] [--wfs1_nstars WFS1_NSTARS] [--wfs1_minsep WFS1_MINSEP] [--wfs1_magmin WFS1_MAGMIN] [--wfs1_magmax WFS1_MAGMAX] [--wfs2_magadd WFS2_MAGADD] [--wfs2_nstars WFS2_NSTARS] [--wfs2_minsep WFS2_MINSEP] [--wfs2_magmin WFS2_MAGMIN] [--wfs2_magmax WFS2_MAGMAX] [--ifu_magadd IFU_MAGADD] [--ifu_nstars IFU_NSTARS] [--ifu_minsep IFU_MINSEP] [--ifu_magmin IFU_MAGMIN] [--ifu_magmax IFU_MAGMAX] [--acam_magadd ACAM_MAGADD] [--acam_nstars ACAM_NSTARS] [--acam_minsep ACAM_MINSEP] [--acam_magmin ACAM_MAGMIN] [--acam_magmax ACAM_MAGMAX] [--fplane_magadd FPLANE_MAGADD] [--fplane_nstars FPLANE_NSTARS] [--fplane_minsep FPLANE_MINSEP] [--fplane_magmin FPLANE_MAGMIN] [--fplane_magmax FPLANE_MAGMAX] [--allprobes_magadd ALLPROBES_MAGADD] [--allprobes_nstars ALLPROBES_NSTARS] [--allprobes_minsep ALLPROBES_MINSEP] [--allprobes_magmin ALLPROBES_MAGMIN] [--allprobes_magmax ALLPROBES_MAGMAX] [--allcams_magadd ALLCAMS_MAGADD] [--allcams_nstars ALLCAMS_NSTARS] [--allcams_minsep ALLCAMS_MINSEP] [--allcams_magmin ALLCAMS_MAGMIN] [--allcams_magmax ALLCAMS_MAGMAX] ra dec radius {0,1} ifuslot [x_offset] [y_offset] [target] Shuffle the HETDEX shots positional arguments: ra ra of the target in hours. dec dec of the target in degrees radius Search radius (in degrees) for proper guide stars and wfs stars. {0,1} Type of track: 0: East 1: West ifuslot ifuslot of the target. For example: 075. Note: the boresight is 000. x_offset Small X offset from center of ifuslot in arcsecs (default: 0.0) y_offset Small Y offset from center of ifuslot in arcsecs (default: 0.0) target Name of the target observation (default: Test) optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit --verbose, -v Increase verbosity, can be called multiple times (default: 0) --version, -V show program's version number and exit --epoch EPOCH Epoch of target coordinates (default: 2000.0) --pmRA PMRA Proper motion in right ascension (mas/yr) (default: None) --pmDEC PMDEC Proper motion in delination (mas/yr) (default: None) --gaia2radius GAIA2RADIUS Search radius for target match to gaia2 in " (default: 30.0) -c CONFIG, --config CONFIG Name of the configuration file. When parsing the command line, the file is loaded into a configuration object (default: ./shuffle.cfg) --limited_probe_annulus Use 0.31 deg for inner probe radius (default: 0) --force-gp1 id1 Force the guide probe 1 to use the star with the given id (default: None) --force-gp2 id2 Force the guide probe 2 to use the star with the given id (default: None) --force-wfs1 id1 Force the wavefront sensor probe 1 to use the star with the given id (default: None) --force-wfs2 id2 Force the wavefront sensor probe 2 to use the star with the given id (default: None) --localcat LOCALCAT Use a local catalog for star searches (default: None) --interactive INTERACTIVE Use interactive mode for guide star search. (default: None) --hpf HPF Use hpf additional selection (default: None) --use_brightness USE_BRIGHTNESS Use the brightness of the probe stars as a selection criteria. If False, then the distance from the target angle is minimizes. (default: None) --fplane_file FPLANE_FILE Fplane file to be used. (default: None) --az [AZ] Manual Non-optimal AZ input (default: None) --dpatrol_g1min DPATROL_G1MIN Guide probe minimum patrol angle (default: None) --dpatrol_g1max DPATROL_G1MAX Guide probe maximum patrol angle (default: None) --dpatrol_g1targ DPATROL_G1TARG Guide probe target patrol angle (default: None) --dpatrol_g2min DPATROL_G2MIN Guide probe minimum patrol angle (default: None) --dpatrol_g2max DPATROL_G2MAX Guide probe maximum patrol angle (default: None) --dpatrol_g2targ DPATROL_G2TARG Guide probe target patrol angle (default: None) --dpatrol_w1min DPATROL_W1MIN Wavefront probe minimum patrol angle (default: None) --dpatrol_w1max DPATROL_W1MAX Wavefront probe maximum patrol angle (default: None) --dpatrol_w1targ DPATROL_W1TARG Wavefront probe target patrol angle (default: None) --dpatrol_w2min DPATROL_W2MIN Wavefront probe minimum patrol angle (default: None) --dpatrol_w2max DPATROL_W2MAX Wavefront probe maximum patrol angle (default: None) --dpatrol_w2targ DPATROL_W2TARG Wavefront probe target patrol angle (default: None) --catalog CATALOG Star catalog to use, for example: GAIA (default: None) --gppickcol GPPICKCOL Probe filter to be used. For SDSS DR9 1 = u, 2 = g, 3 = r, 4 = i , 5 = z For USNO A2 2 = B, 3 = R (default: None) --wfspickcol WFSPICKCOL Probe filter to be used. For SDSS DR9 1 = u, 2 = g, 3 = r, 4 = i , 5 = z For USNO A2 2 = B, 3 = R (default: None) --visualize VISUALIZE Make visualization for the shot. (default: None) --visualize_ACAM VISUALIZE_ACAM Make visualization for the ACAM. (default: None) --visualize_probestars VISUALIZE_PROBESTARS Make visualization for the probestars. (default: None) --acam ACAM Offset angle for ACAM (default: None) --fplane FPLANE Offset angle for fplane (default: None) --probes PROBES Offset angle for probes (default: None) --guide1_magadd GUIDE1_MAGADD guide1 magadd (default: None) --guide1_nstars GUIDE1_NSTARS guide1 nstars (default: None) --guide1_minsep GUIDE1_MINSEP guide1 minsep (default: None) --guide1_magmin GUIDE1_MAGMIN guide1 magmin (default: None) --guide1_magmax GUIDE1_MAGMAX guide1 magmax (default: None) --guide2_magadd GUIDE2_MAGADD guide2 magadd (default: None) --guide2_nstars GUIDE2_NSTARS guide2 nstars (default: None) --guide2_minsep GUIDE2_MINSEP guide2 minsep (default: None) --guide2_magmin GUIDE2_MAGMIN guide2 magmin (default: None) --guide2_magmax GUIDE2_MAGMAX guide2 magmax (default: None) --wfs1_magadd WFS1_MAGADD wfs1 magadd (default: None) --wfs1_nstars WFS1_NSTARS wfs1 nstars (default: None) --wfs1_minsep WFS1_MINSEP wfs1 minsep (default: None) --wfs1_magmin WFS1_MAGMIN wfs1 magmin (default: None) --wfs1_magmax WFS1_MAGMAX wfs1 magmax (default: None) --wfs2_magadd WFS2_MAGADD wfs2 magadd (default: None) --wfs2_nstars WFS2_NSTARS wfs2 nstars (default: None) --wfs2_minsep WFS2_MINSEP wfs2 minsep (default: None) --wfs2_magmin WFS2_MAGMIN wfs2 magmin (default: None) --wfs2_magmax WFS2_MAGMAX wfs2 magmax (default: None) --ifu_magadd IFU_MAGADD ifu magadd (default: None) --ifu_nstars IFU_NSTARS ifu nstars (default: None) --ifu_minsep IFU_MINSEP ifu minsep (default: None) --ifu_magmin IFU_MAGMIN ifu magmin (default: None) --ifu_magmax IFU_MAGMAX ifu magmax (default: None) --acam_magadd ACAM_MAGADD acam magadd (default: None) --acam_nstars ACAM_NSTARS acam nstars (default: None) --acam_minsep ACAM_MINSEP acam minsep (default: None) --acam_magmin ACAM_MAGMIN acam magmin (default: None) --acam_magmax ACAM_MAGMAX acam magmax (default: None) --fplane_magadd FPLANE_MAGADD fplane magadd (default: None) --fplane_nstars FPLANE_NSTARS fplane nstars (default: None) --fplane_minsep FPLANE_MINSEP fplane minsep (default: None) --fplane_magmin FPLANE_MAGMIN fplane magmin (default: None) --fplane_magmax FPLANE_MAGMAX fplane magmax (default: None) --allprobes_magadd ALLPROBES_MAGADD allprobes magadd (default: None) --allprobes_nstars ALLPROBES_NSTARS allprobes nstars (default: None) --allprobes_minsep ALLPROBES_MINSEP allprobes minsep (default: None) --allprobes_magmin ALLPROBES_MAGMIN allprobes magmin (default: None) --allprobes_magmax ALLPROBES_MAGMAX allprobes magmax (default: None) --allcams_magadd ALLCAMS_MAGADD allcams magadd (default: None) --allcams_nstars ALLCAMS_NSTARS allcams nstars (default: None) --allcams_minsep ALLCAMS_MINSEP allcams minsep (default: None) --allcams_magmin ALLCAMS_MAGMIN allcams magmin (default: None) --allcams_magmax ALLCAMS_MAGMAX allcams magmax (default: None) }}} === shuffle run info === shuffle runs automatically at 18:00UT and 01:00UT [[br]] In case if manual run is required use {{{shuffle_daily}}}. Better (performance wise) run it on vdas as astronomer === shuffle.cfg changes === #shuffle.cfg - make - cd - [[br]] {{{ cp /opt/het/hetdex/etc/configfiles/target_setup.json . cp /opt/het/hetdex/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hetdex_shuffle/configs/shuffle.cfg . }}} - edit target_setup.json for value "SHUFFLE_CFG" - when done send final version to Greg === shuffle package update === #update_shuffle - ssh vdas - su - hetdex - cd /opt/het/hetdex/src/Virus/hetdexshuffle/ - ./ === After update of shuffle or changes in shuffle.cfg === These are updates for all active targets in the queue. For updates for specific objects see [wiki:Shuffle#deleting_data above] - ssh vdas - shdata_clean -active - shuffle_daily === Using {{{do_shuffle}}} === #do_shuffle **[[span(style=color: #FF0000, NB. It's highly recommended to use target_setup in order to keep all setup data in one place and use do_shuffle directly only in specific cases)]]** (as of July 2019, these steps are not typically required, since target_setup runs them if needed) * Note that you will run shuffle in a fresh directory and access the new chart and HETcommands file in THAT directory. * start with an appropriate directory, e.g. 16-2/UT16-2-008/ * execute the startup script {{{ shuffle_config }}} It will ask if you want to over-write any previous shuffle.cfg or fplane.txt files. Answer "y" to both. * to get help with do_shuffle just do a {{{ do_shuffle --help }}} * example of a request {{{ do_shuffle -v 00:58:21.01 +00:13:12.20 0 0 066 0 0 SHELA_CL1147C_E}}} for an east visit to LRS2-R. * example of a request for DEC < 0 Note the quotes and extra space {{{ do_shuffle -v 00:58:21.01 " -00:13:12.20" 0 1 056 0 0 SHELA_CL1147C_E}}} for a west visit to LRS2-B. * if you want to select guide and wfs stars based on brightness instead of speed add the '''--use_brightness true''' command line option {{{ do_shuffle -v --use_brightness true 00:58:21.01 +00:13:12.20 0 0 066 0 0 SHELA_CL1147C_E}}} * You may also wish to specify the paths to: {{{ do_shuffle -v --use_brightness true 00:58:21.01 +00:13:12.20 0 0 066 0 0 SHELA_CL1147C_E --config /opt/het/hetdex/lib/python2.7/site-packages/hetdex_shuffle/configs/shuffle.cfg --fplane_file /opt/het/hetdex/etc/Virus/vhc_config/fplane/fplane.txt }}} * fake ACAM charts are located in ACAMimages directory * commands for setting up the trajectory and the guide probes is located in the HETcommands directory. * The HETcommands file .e.g: {{{ # test1_056_E \cp -f ACAMimages/test1_056_E.jpg /data1/nossy/www/html/noss/htopx2/acam_dss.jpg syscmd -T -v 'load_trajectory(ra=12.2051, dec=13.185049, equinox=2000.0, dir="EAST" )' syscmd -T -v 'Guider1_set_position( ra=12.1973, dec=13.072918 , trajectory="next" )' syscmd -T -v 'Guider2_set_position( ra=12.2135, dec=13.290404 , trajectory="next" )' syscmd -T -v 'WFS1_set_position( ra=12.2108, dec=13.051876 , trajectory="next" )' syscmd -T -v 'WFS2_set_position( ra=12.2004, dec=13.314189 , trajectory="next" )' }}} * The lines from the ''cp'' to the ''WFS2_set_position'' should be sent to TCS before asking the TO to move to the next target. The TO should have "probes" checked on their TCS '''Go Next''' section. * If you need to select a different star or change your mind '''after''' the TO has hit Go Next then wait for the probes to finish moving (as seen on the Probe Assembly TCS tab) you will need to change trajectory="next" to trajectory="current" or just remove that option all together since "current" is the default. * if you want to specify an Az for do_shuffle you can use the --az flag, e.g. {{{ do_shuffle -v --use_brightness true --az 10 18:20:22.04 +66:13:38.06 0 0 056 0 0 fcs14_J18203+6613 }}} * If you need the small images of the probe stars, use the following in the shuffle.cfg file: {{{visualize_probestars = True}}} * If you get an error about Insufficient stars in patrol region for one of the probes try adding 2 magnitudes to its selection via the --magadd option example: {{{ do_shuffle -v --wfs2_magadd 2 14:20:25.80 +52:28:00.12 0 1 000 0 0 EGSN27_W }}} * "magadd" can be applied to target_setup for the ACAM as well, as in: {{{target_setup 47 E -to -shargs "--acam_magadd 5"}}} * but note that if you already ran target_setup, you must first delete it with {{{shdata_clean -idx 47}}}