Subversion Procedures and Commands at the Hobby Eberly Telescope Currently the following two hosts are used for subversion repositories. These machines will be merged in the future. * (internal HET network only) * (replacement for ute2, some items moved over already) * Tasks: Create a new repository from existing files, e.g ~/myproject * have the svn administrator create a project directory in the repository * - see ~svn/setup.txt * cd ~/myproject * - clean out all files that you don't need or want in the repository * - clean out all files that can be rebuilt * svn import -m Initial import" !svn+ssh://@/myproject/trunk Check out an existing repository * svn checkout !svn+ssh://@//trunk my_dir_name Using SVN in your working copy * svn help # -- get further help about commands and svn * svn commit # -- commit one or more files to the repository * svn delete # -- To delete a file * svn add # -- To add a new file to the repository * svn mv # -- rename a file or directory * svn info # -- check information or version number of working copy * svn diff [-r] # -- compare a new and old version * svn status # -- to see what is changed in the directory Create a branch * svn copy -m 'Create branch' !svn+ssh://@//trunk/ !svn+ssh://@//branches/ * svn checkout !svn+ssh://@//branches/ my_dir_name * if making a branch from trunk, be sure to copy makefile.local to your branch directory Create a tag * svn copy -m 'Tagging Release 1.0' !svn+ssh://@//trunk/ !svn+ssh://@//tags/release-1.0 * svn checkout !svn+ssh://@//tags/ my_dir_name Merge trunk changes into branch. Note, these commands must be done at the top level directory. More than just the files get updated when merging. * cd * svn merge -c[,revnum,...] !svn+ssh://@//trunk * svn commit # to commit working copy of the branch to the repository SVN [ cheat sheet] in PDF format