= CCAS DMI focus Curve Test v1 = The purpose of this test is to determine the best stacking DMI position to give the smallest stack size at a given temperatures. Thus the winds can not be to high and the temperature should not change by more than about 1.5 C during the test. Procedure: * Stack the mirror as usual to get your mirror prepped for quick stacks * Turn off the dmifocus option in AOA software by toggling the command "dmifocus" * Move the MARS focus stage in to the starting DMI position (for winter probably 26.2115, summer 26.210)[[BR]] NOTE: To measure the DMI position go to the DMI on the VNC and zoom in on the plot until you can get a good DMI value out to 5 digits[[BR]] * Stack (2 times on each side but end always on the same side) but do not change MARS focus * Run a measurement curve on the HEFI. If you get a bad looking curve try adjusting the exposure time, starting hefi focus position, running it again or as a last resort restarting HEFI. * Record: DMI value, EE50, EE80, HEFI focus, MARS focus, Tout, Tdome, Ttruss, Wind dir, Wind speed, UT time * move +300 out focus and repeat * Test ends when you pass through a minimum stack size (should be better than 0.5") and reach stack minimum of greater than 0.8".