Changes between Version 8 and Version 9 of NightOperations/Policies/schedules

Jan 18, 2023 2:07:34 PM (16 months ago)



  • NightOperations/Policies/schedules

    v8 v9  
    55* Timesheet entry should only be done during scheduled work hours, ie, during day TO, overlap nights, or on cloudy nights.
    66* Up to two hours of time on the time sheet may be entered for checking e-mail each week.  This free-form time is required to allow people to look for changes to meeting times, requests for schedule changes and other important pieces of information.
    7 * Night work is now defined as sunset to sunrise.  There is a summary of night lengths [wiki:NightOperations/Policies#time here].  You should enter the larger of either this value or the actual number of hours worked.  Optionally, you may use 11.5 hours per night since this is the average night length over the course of the year.
     7* Night work is now defined as sunset to sunrise.  There is a summary of night lengths [wiki:NightOperations/Policies#time here].  You should enter the larger of either this value or the actual number of hours worked.  Optionally, you may use 12 (really, 11.5) hours per night since this is the average night length over the course of the year.
    88* No one is to work more than 15 hours in a given day.
    99   * Example: If you worked Monday night for fifteen hours, then you are excused from attending the Tuesday staff meeting.