

CWFS-CCAS test (Still in 20190419 Science Page)

Purpose: To sample the CCAS and telescope IQ at the same time under a series of conditions (wind, seeing, temperature etc..). For the moment, Hanshin thinks that 1.5 arcsec FWHM at the guider field would divide the good seeing from the bad seeing. Somewhat specific condition he is interested in is a high-wind condition. The last test indicataed a correlation between high-wind and image quality (more specifically only small increase in the contribution from an effect suspected from the area between CCAS and M1 while significant increase in the contribution from an effect suspected from somewhere above the telescope). But this was only one short track (15min).

Frequency: Please take this test as often as different conditions present themselves during this bright run. (We have typically been aiming for 2 times per lunation.) This procedure and the preceding stack are being logged as engineering time.

Here is the new procedure in all its gory detail:

1) Make sure that CWFS is powered up (you may need to restart PAS, and if you do remember to *tell the RA*).
2) Make sure you have a fresh stack.
3) Select a star of about 11th magnitude and run shuffle for IHMP (000) with the --az flag set to the current azimuth (at the CCAS tower).

Here is a typical example:   target_setup 26165 E -to -cat f11 -ifu 000 -sharg "--az 68.593" 
Then edit the load_traj command:
syscmd -T 'load_trajectory(ra=12.860111, dec=37.530069, equinox=2000.0, dir="EAST", object="fcs11_J12516+3731")' >/dev/null
syscmd -T 'load_trajectory(ra=12.860111, dec=37.530069, equinox=2000.0, dir="EAST", object="fcs11_J12516+3731", az=68.593)' >/dev/null

4) Setup on the IHMP position from wiki. Be sure to edit the load_trajectory to include the az=68.593 attribute.
5) Center up your guiders (note that guider filters do not matter very much at this time)
6) Do a handshake from ACQ to a guider
7) remove the ACQ
8) Insert the CWFS syscmd -P 'DeployCWFSCameraMirror()'
() Be sure that the "processing" checkbox is enabled on the CWFS GUI.
9) offset from IHMP to CWFS with syscmd -T 'offset_trajectory(dx_ang=-5.1, dy_ang=-3.9, adjust_probes="true")'
10) Look at CWFS x and y offsets and refine the offset above with any residuals until offsets less than 0.3"
11) Set the CWFS exposure time to at least 15 seconds (this can be done by TO).
12) Center up the WFS1 and WFS2
13) Close loop on WFS1 or WFS2
14) Center up the AOA so that the het spots are lined up with the reference spots. You may have to search with MARS for the HEFI spot first.
15) Close the AOA reference and close the black image on AOA.
16) Switch to HEFI view and set exposure time to 1/125 or 1/60 and power on low and focus the spot perhaps using focus curve
17) Start saving images with all guiders/WFS/CWFS
18) Note the UT time for this set in the RAlog
19) Save 30 images on HEFI using a sequence with the name trackXX_YY where XX is the track number (start with 01 and incriment if you do this more than once in the night) and YY is the sequence number and starting sequence with 1.
20) Switch back to AOA view by removing HEFI
21) Save AOA images using "Hanshin 30"

After 3 minutes* repeat steps 14-21 except the HEFI sequence number does not get set to 1. Continuing repeating until you have done this test 5-7 times to fill the central ~50% of the track.

*Hanshin says that it is not necessarily required to pause for these 3 minutes.

The HEFI images will be in the nightly working directory /data1/mcs/guider/YYYYMMDD and the AOA images will be in the mars directory/home/mars/guider/wave/ . Note there is a cron job which moves the files from the mars directory to the mcs nwd at the end of the night at 14 UT.

When done Retract the CWFS Mirror syscmd -P 'RetractCWFSCameraMirror()' be sure to confirm it is out by watching the CWFS or BIB. Power them down to resume science.

Note that if your first attempt at this test fails (intermittent clouds/etc), attempting it a second time would ideally be preceded by another stack. However, if time does not permit an additional stack, attempting this test a second time is still useful if it can be completed.


HPF, LRS2 and VIRUS twilights should be taken at the center of track position. Please take them back to back as quickly as possible.


  • Any P0 or P1 19-2 science or engineering targets [Note that some of the high priority science targets in htopx belong to the engineering tests below]
  • Other High priority on sky engineering tests
  • Any P2-P4 19-2 science or engineering targets
  • Any 19-2 targets

High Priority Engineering Targets in htopx

Note: The order listed is the order of priority.

Testing the new orientation for guiders

We have installed new orientation angles for the guiders and hope that we got the sign correct. If not call Jim and have him revert or change the sign.


  • Choose a 14th mag star to setup on the IHMP at an Az in the West or NE (Az < 60)
  • Setup on IHMP and make sure you have good focus and theta/phi with WFS (note you will loose the WFS later so do not close the WFS loop).
  • Center the guide stars in the guide probes
  • Offset Guider 1 and Guider 2: syscmd -T 'Guider1_offset_probe (dx_ang=5,dy_ang=4)' syscmd -T 'Guider2_offset_probe (dx_ang=5,dy_ang=4)'
  • setup integral term guiding on ACAM syscmd -T 'ACQ_tune(kd=0,ki=0.2,kp=0.8)'
  • guide on the ACAM with a box big enough to allow for a 12" offset used later
  • Set the fiducial on Guider1 and Guider2 but continue to guide on ACAM.
  • Make sure the guide boxes on Guider1 and Guider2 are big enough to allow an offset used later.
  • Note the time in the log and start saving images on ACAM, Guider1 and Guider2 for 3 minutes
  • Offset fiducial on Guider1 syscmd -T 'Guider1_offset_fiducial (dx_asec=-9.9,dy_asec=-5.2,compensate="false")'
  • Offset fiducial on Guiider2 syscmd -T 'Guider1_offset_fiducial (dx_asec=-9.9,dy_asec=-5.2,compensate="false")'
  • Offset fiducial on ACAM syscmd -T 'ACQ_offset_fiducial (dx_asec=-9.9,dy_asec=-5.2,compensate="false")'
  • Allow the the guide star on the ACAM to move to the new fiducial and settle down.
  • Once settled Note the time in the log and collect 3 more minutes of images.
  • Change the integral term back to zero syscmd -T 'ACQ_tune(kd=0,ki=0,kp=1.0)'

If the Guider fiducials go to where the guide star goes to within a degree then we are good. If GC1 is off by 7 degrees then we got the sign wrong and need to call Jim to get this reverted or the sign changed in TCS.

Testing the Guider drag in the South

Once we are sure that the guider orientations are correct then we can try a trajectory at Az 180 and DEC -8:30 to see if while guiding on GC2 the System moves off.


  • Pick a 14th mag star with DEC -8:30 near the start of the track to put on the IHMP
  • use the i filters
  • Setup on the field and get guider guiders and WFS centered.
  • Handshake from the ACAM to the GC2.
  • Start saving image of TT, WFS1, WFS2, GC1, GC2 and ACAM.
  • Look for relative motion on GC1, ACAM, WFS1 and WFS2 for the next 40 minutes.
  • note results in the log

If you get no drift at all please do the following:

  • setup on target_setup 1739 E
  • TO should setup with GC2
  • Save images of TT, WFS1, WFS2, GC1, GC2 and ACAM for 40 minutes

New photometry zero points

If it is photometric: Please note the transparency near the center of the track for each target if you are observing in i or g filters. These should peak around 1.00. Before we made the change the i would peak near 1.25 and g would peak near 1.10

Report any issues. Note that any given star could have bad photometry so the average needs to be near 1.00 and also do not worry about values near the edges of the tracks.

ENG19-2-004: Contemporaneous LRS2-B and VIRUS SPC observations of faint stars

This is for grey or dark time only.

LRS2 is well-calibrated but VIRUS sometimes shows wavelength-dependent slopes/gradients -- the goal is to cross-calibrate VIRUS with LRS2-B.

This program requires most clear conditions.

We want to observe a SPC (~19th mag) on LRS2-B and 1 VIRUS IFUs/amp. This can be done in grey time immediately before/after HETDEX observations.

The goal is to get at least one of these each clear night.

You can find the trajectory offsets on mcs in /home/mcs/astronomer/VLSPC_jumps/

Some of these .txt files while have notes that no guide star could be found to make the jump in which case you will just run the two different setups as separate trajectories.

ENG19-2-004: Contemporaneous LRS2-B and VIRUS SPC observations of bright stars

This is for grey or dark time only.

LRS2 is well-calibrated but VIRUS sometimes shows wavelength-dependent slopes/gradients -- the goal is to cross-calibrate VIRUS with LRS2-B.

We want to observe a SPC (~15th mag) on LRS2-B and 2-4 VIRUS IFUs/amps. This can be done in grey time immediately before/after HETDEX observations.

There are 6 stars from our SPC catalog which are suitable for both VIRUS and LRS2, and those have been submitted as p1 ENG targets.

For each star, there are two sequences:

*"A" sequence (going from LRS2-B, to 046RL, to 046LL)

*"B" sequence (going from LRS2-B, to 047RL, to 047LL)

For example, the SPC star SA_95-42 has an "A" sequence with object names: VLSPC_SA9542A_B, VLSPC_SA9542A_046RL, and VLSPC_SA9542A_046LL.

The necessary offset commands for each setup are given on the following page, when possible: NightOperations/SciencePlans/20190201

Some targets do not have suitable stars for all three positions. In those cases, do the setup on LRS2-B separately from the setup on the LL/RL amplifiers.


The plan:

  • Observe one "A" sequence and one "B" sequence per night (these can count as nightly VIRUS SPC as well).
  • Once one of each is obtained, do not observe additional standards that night, although you can observe the faintVL engineering targets.
  • Try to observe them as close in time to HETDEX as possible (i.e., before or after; do not use dark time!).
  • You will need to run "target_setup <id> <az> -to" of the first target in each group to send the fake ACAM image to the TO for setup.

Other High Priority On sky Engineering

Dither test

We have some new code in place to run the fiducial offsets and want to make sure it works well with the dithers. Please only run this test if the guider orientation test is completed and successful.


  • Setup on a 14th mag star in the IHMP
  • Use the g filters
  • Setup like a VIRUS target
  • Run a VIRUS dithered observation for at least 4 minutes per exposure (try to stay away from the moon)
  • Make sure that GC1 and GC2 images are being saved during the observation.
  • Report that the test is complete to Jason and Matthew


Purpose: To sample the CCAS and telescope IQ at the same time under a series of conditions (wind, seeing, temperature etc..). For the moment, Hanshin thinks that 1.5 arcsec FWHM at the guider field would divide the good seeing from the bad seeing. Somewhat specific condition he is interested in is a high-wind condition. The last test indicataed a correlation between high-wind and image quality (more specifically only small increase in the contribution from an effect suspected from the area between CCAS and M1 while significant increase in the contribution from an effect suspected from somewhere above the telescope). But this was only one short track (15min).

Frequency: Please take this test as often as different conditions present themselves during this bright run. (We have typically been aiming for 2 times per lunation.) This procedure and the preceding stack are being logged as engineering time.

Here is the new procedure in all its gory detail:

1) Make sure that CWFS is powered up (you may need to restart PAS).
2) Make sure you have a fresh stack.
3) Select a star of about 11th magnitude and run shuffle for IHMP (000) with the --az flag set to the current azimuth (at the CCAS tower).

Here is a typical example:   target_setup 26165 E -to -cat f11 -ifu 000 -sharg "--az 68.593" 
Then edit the load_traj command:
syscmd -T 'load_trajectory(ra=12.860111, dec=37.530069, equinox=2000.0, dir="EAST", object="fcs11_J12516+3731")' >/dev/null
syscmd -T 'load_trajectory(ra=12.860111, dec=37.530069, equinox=2000.0, dir="EAST", object="fcs11_J12516+3731", az=68.593)' >/dev/null

4) Setup on the IHMP position from wiki. Be sure to edit the load_trajectory to include the az=68.593 attribute.
5) Center up your guiders (note that guider filters do not matter very much at this time)
6) Do a handshake from ACQ to a guider
7) remove the ACQ
8) Insert the CWFS syscmd -P 'DeployCWFSCameraMirror()'
() Be sure that the "processing" checkbox is enabled on the CWFS GUI.
9) offset from IHMP to CWFS with syscmd -T 'offset_trajectory(dx_ang=-5.1, dy_ang=-3.9, adjust_probes="true")'
10) Look at CWFS x and y offsets and refine the offset above with any residuals until offsets less than 0.3"
11) Set the CWFS exposure time to at least 15 seconds (this can be done by TO).
12) Center up the WFS1 and WFS2
13) Close loop on WFS1 or WFS2
14) Center up the AOA so that the het spots are lined up with the reference spots. You may have to search with MARS for the HEFI spot first.
15) Close the AOA reference and close the black image on AOA.
16) Switch to HEFI view and set exposure time to 1/125 or 1/60 and power on low and focus the spot perhaps using focus curve
17) Start saving images with all guiders/WFS/CWFS
18) Note the UT time for this set in the RAlog
19) Save 30 images on HEFI using a sequence with the name trackXX_YY where XX is the track number (start with 01 and incriment if you do this more than once in the night) and YY is the sequence number and starting sequence with 1.
20) Switch back to AOA view by removing HEFI
21) Save AOA images using "Hanshin 30"

After 3 minutes* repeat steps 14-21 except the HEFI sequence number does not get set to 1. Continuing repeating until you have done this test 5-7 times to fill the central ~50% of the track.

*Hanshin says that it is not necessarily required to pause for these 3 minutes.

The HEFI images will be in the nightly working directory /data1/mcs/guider/YYYYMMDD and the AOA images will be in the mars directory/home/mars/guider/wave/ . Note there is a cron job which moves the files from the mars directory to the mcs nwd at the end of the night at 14 UT.

When done Retract the CWFS Mirror syscmd -P 'RetractCWFSCameraMirror()' be sure to confirm it is out by watching the CWFS or BIB. Power them down to resume science.

Note that if your first attempt at this test fails (intermittent clouds/etc), attempting it a second time would ideally be preceded by another stack. However, if time does not permit an additional stack, attempting this test a second time is still useful if it can be completed.

Last modified 5 years ago Last modified on Sep 15, 2019 9:10:27 AM