== Cancel Target == Below applies to the period of time between the end of one target and the beginning of the next no matter the science: 1) Over on the TCS GUI, click the smaller red button labeled Cancel under the current trajectory column in the trajectory tab. 2) Note: If you have prepared a GRoC correction this is the time to input it into SCS. The formula is below: GRoC correction = ((DMI value after stacking)-(current DMI value))* 2x10¬6. Here is the GRoC calulcator link [https://het.as.utexas.edu/wfu/groc.html]. This link contains the most up to date distance for the DMI To do this, in SAMS locate the bolded words “GRoC Correction.” Below is a button titled Offset. Click on this button and type your GRoC including a negative if necessary. SAMS cannot take numbers greater than 2000. So if you have a value of 2500, you can input 2000 and then 500 right after the other. You do not need to wait.